The City of Fort Bragg and Noyo Harbor District have partnered with California Sea Grant to develop the Noyo Harbor Blue Economy Visioning, Resiliency and Implementation (BEVRI) Plan aka Noyo Harbor Blue Economy. The Plan is made possible with grant funding from the California Coastal Commission.
The purpose of the BEVRI Plan is to create a roadmap for coastal resiliency within the harbor – balancing environmental stewardship with economic vitality. Our working waterfront is an integral part of our local culture, and a valuable asset when considering future blue economy investment. Over the next two years we will be gathering baseline data on existing social, economic, physical, and environmental conditions of the harbor and identifying blue economy opportunities and limitations. We will also identify potential adaptation and resiliency measures, and a suite of potential projects, partners and funding mechanisms for implementation.
Site-specific technical studies include:
- Sea Level Rise, Tsunami Hazards, and Erosion Resilience Strategy for Noyo Harbor;
- Aquaculture Feasibility Study;
- Harbor Facilities Conditions Assessment;
- Parcel Inventory and Land Use Assessment; and
- Special District Analysis.
Local Coastal Program
Findings from The Plan will be integrated into the City’s Local Coastal Program (LCP). A LCP is a planning tool used by local governments to guide development within California’s coastal zone in partnership with the California Coastal Commission. LCPs provide guidance for future development and protection of coastal resources. It gives the City permitting authority over most development – although the Coastal Commission retains permanent jurisdiction on tidelands, submerged land, public trusts and acts on appeals from certain local decisions. California’s Coastal Commission reviews and approves any amendment to a certified LCP.

The City of Fort Bragg adopted its initial LCP in 1980 and it was certified by the Coastal Commission on July 14, 1983. Over the years, several amendments have been adopted and certified; the last comprehensive update occurred in August 2008. The City’s LCP is comprised of a Land Use Plan and Implementation Program. The Land Use Plan includes the Coastal General Plan and Land Use Map, while the Implementation Plan includes the Coastal Land Use and Development Code and Zoning Map. It reflects distinctive qualities of Fort Bragg, while also addressing regional and statewide interests, and conforms to Coastal Act goals and policies.
• LCP Grant Guidelines
• LCP Update Guide
Community Engagement Plan
Before work on The Plan began, several weeks were dedicated to developing the Communication and Engagement Plan (CEP). The CEP acts as a charter for The Plan, providing the public and stakeholders with a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities. To view the CEP, click on the link below.