Are you concerned about coastal flooding?
Please take 3 to 5 minutes to complete the Sea Level Rise, Tsunami Hazards, and Erosion Resilience Survey. This survey asks about your perceptions of sea level rise, personal experience with coastal flooding, planning and adaptation strategies, and preferred methods of communication. Thank you for your time!
Are you interested in aquaculture?
Please take about 6 minutes to complete the Aquaculture Survey. This survey gauges your seafood consumption preferences and interest in locally grown shellfish and seaweed. Thank you for your time!
Do you fish out of Noyo Harbor?
Please take 3 minutes to complete the Fishermen’s Survey. This survey is geared towards commercial and recreational fishermen and fish processors, and will help us plan for the future of the harbor. Thank you for your time!
Do you visit the Mendocino Coast?
Please take 3 to 5 minutes to complete the Noyo Harbor Visitor Survey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve our services and enhance the overall experience for future visitors. Thank you for your time!